Friday, April 15, 2005

Pocket Blogging

Well, I've got my replacement Dell Axim and added Diarist so I can blog on the go!

Monday, April 11, 2005 - Republicans air concern over DeLay - Apr 10, 2005 - Republicans air concern over DeLay - Apr 10, 2005
DeLay'd Justice
Well, it looks like crooked power abuser Tom DeLay might have lost some of his politcal teflon after all.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Home Page for Basic Program in Clubs

Dad's Blog
My Dad has a Blog going on at for his involvement with the Boys & Girl's Clubs of America.

Go Dad!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Gas Prices Reach New Highs in U.S., State

Gas Prices Reach New Highs in U.S., State
New Highest Price for Gas
Who would have guessed. I suppose that the Iraqi invasion did the United States a lot of good. I can hear my wallet thanking Dubya now!

What's missing is not the WMD, it's the OMP, Oil of Mass Pricing. - Weekly paper wins Pulitzer for investigative reporting - Apr 4, 2005 - Weekly paper wins Pulitzer for investigative reporting - Apr 4, 2005: "Pulitzer "
I guess not only is print not dead, but there are journalists worth reading out there and not all work for the big papers!
Congratulations! - Red ink falling out of favor�with teachers - Apr 4, 2005 - Red ink falling out of favor�with teachers - Apr 4, 2005
Classic example of the same syndrome that gives rise to "Political Correctness". The color of the ink used to grade papers shouldn't matter. It is the fact that corrections need to be made! Would it make a difference if your "F" paper is marked in green? Does a friendly color make absorbing your failure easier? - Attorney general to defend renewal of Patriot Act to Congress - Apr 4, 2005 - Attorney general to defend renewal of Patriot Act to Congress - Apr 4, 2005

Alberto Gonzales

Of course Gonzales is preparing to defend the Patriot Act. Without it, how can he arrest and detain without trial anyone he doesn't like? Man, that's a useful tool when you're running a government. Even Dubya figured that one out.

Monday, April 04, 2005 - Blind student earns M.D. - Apr 2, 2005 - Blind student earns M.D. - Apr 2, 2005
Blind Doctor
Just when I get to thinking that I'm working too hard or that I don't like Monday mornings, I read this. It's humbling. This fellow is AMAZING!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Wistful Sunday

I am tired and feeling a bit nostalgic for good tv, so I threw in Season 1 of The X-Files. I used to love looking forward to new episodes.

Earlier I hunted down 80's music on iTunes. Kansas "Dust in the Wind" and The Doobie Brothers "Black Water'. Ah, twenty years ago.

Friday, April 01, 2005

12/04 Is voice recognition a high-tech con game?

12/04 Is voice recognition a high-tech con game?

Doctor Ignores Benefits of Technology

Here's an article from Diangostic Imaging magazine where the author (a physician) takes a stance against voice recognition technology and uses anecdotal evidence to support his claims.

Our institution uses voice recognition technology and has increased the efficiency of the Radiologists as well as decreasing the number of dictation errors.

I have actual numbers documenting the increase of number of reports read by each radiologist after the learning curve of the new technology.

Bush the Orator

You gotta love a guy who will stomp any small country with oil out of existence and engage in wholesale slaughter who then goes and makes a quote like this:

"The essence of civilization is that the strong have a duty to protect the weak. In cases where there are serious doubts or questions, the presumption should be in favor of life."-- George Bush - Korean bloggers making a difference - Mar 31, 2005 - Korean bloggers making a difference - Mar 31, 2005
Bloggers Making a Difference
Wow. Who knew? I guess if you're going to take it seriously ... ;)

Cell Phone Stabs Owner in Back

You know this joke. You buy an expensive piece of technology, use it until you can’t get along without it … and the day after the warranty expires, so does the equipment.

Well, I guess my cell phone got jealous of my new bluetooth headset because my stinking Sony Ericsson T610 cell phone died last night at 7 PM just as a physician was paging me. Ugh. My warranty actually expired 21 days ago so I quick jumped into the closest T-Mobile store that I could remember and bought the cheapest Nokia I could find without extending my contract yet another year.

At least this way I can jump ship. I think it’s time to look at real cell phone providers.

Yahoo! News - Laura Bush visits Afghanistan, lauds women for courage Laura Bush
As if Afghanistan wasn't in bad enough shape already.
I like the quote: "I bring the very best wishes of the American people," she told a discussion group at the bombed out women's teacher training institute in Kabul.
The part in italics was added by the blogger for effect.

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