Friday, September 30, 2005 - Bush's poll numbers up - Sep 29, 2005

The American public will never learn. Bush cronyism and self-absorption will be rewarded. Bush and PT Barnum, they both knew how to capitalize on who was born "every minute".

I guess that would explain why no one has pointed out that Bush let Louisiana go unhelped but when Rita threatened TEXAS, he got into personal contact with the governor.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - Brown serving as consultant to FEMA - Sep 27, 2005

Let me guess, "hell of a job" Brownie is going to tell them how NOT to handle a crisis.

Monday, September 05, 2005 - Bush nominates Roberts�as chief justice - Sep 5, 2005

It seems that George Bush has nominated John Roberts to fill every vacancy that opens on the Supreme Court. Bush has asked Rowe to look into the possibility of having John Roberts also fill any future opening that may occur in any lower court. His working title is "Sole Justice".

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