Sunday, July 08, 2007

Some Improvements

An earlier post I made in this blog showed my attempt to use CGI to replace the special visual effects of the original Star Trek series.

I have made some progress since then and here are some of my resulting images. I hope you enjoy them.

Click on a thumbnail to see the full sized image.

I had created my first set of textures for this shot and finally attempted to mimic the lighting of the original shot from the opening of The Doomsday Machine.

It was actually a shot from Balance of Terror reused in the second season.

I changed the lighting a little from my The Doomsday Machine opening shot to create this image.

This is a frame from a very short animation where the ship slowly moves towards the camera. The shot was made to show off the warp engine domes and with the total black background it looks like a shot from The Immunity Syndrome.

I thought that a couple of shots of the Enterprise orbiting a molten lava planet would be easy to accomplish. Boy, was I wrong!

In the original shot of the Enterprise orbiting Excalbia in The Savage Curtain, the planet looked like an orange. I wanted to keep that wildly colorful approach while giving the planet more of a feeling of lava.

This is where I pulled out all the stops to try to make as photo realistic an image as I possibly could. The lighting set up took me several hours to create and test.

I was mimicking the shot from Space Seed where the Enterprise first approaches the Botany Bay.

Monday, July 02, 2007

From the BBC: Car bombings suspect 'on the run'

I would say the British were lucky this time. Wouldn't you?

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