Blender 3D is a freeware program (
there is an interesting story for how it came to be) that can be used to create professional-level 3D results. I still say that the user interface is intimidating, but the program is perhaps the most powerful I have ever used.
It is updated with a scary frequency with new and better tools. The updates are so rapid that only video tutorials and online descriptions will have the latest tool sets and changes.
I'm using some video tutorials to follow some talented users and try to learn how to use this program, since my old favorite TrueSpace got dumped and is no longer being developed.
In any case, I was so amazed by the results of the latest tutorial I am using, that even though I am only one third into the tutorial, I wanted to put up the result. I'm amazed. This scene is nowhere near being done, but it is already the best "nature" scene I've ever done.
Labels: 3D, blender, blenderguru, nature, nature academy