Thursday, March 31, 2005

Your host. Posted by Hello - 'May God give grace to our family' - Mar 31, 2005Teri Schiavo
So, did the media take this sad story and turn it into an event or was it the arrogance of the Bush brothers and their interference that made this different than the other thousands of individuals who are wasting away in "hospice"?

Uh oh. I'm repeating myself.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Welcome To JabraScience Fiction Technology
I love my new(ish) bluetooth headset. If you don't know what those are, they are earbud devices that are fairly small that enable you to communicate with another device, most commonly your bluetooth enabled cell phone.

If you ever watched the old Star Trek show, you probably saw the communications officer Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) or perhaps the alien science officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy) listening to their computers or some other communication device through an antenna in their ear. Well, just like your flip cell phone is a communicator, a bluetooth headset is that ear thingy.

I personally like the Jabra headset. It got the highest satisfaction ratings on yet it was not the most expensive.

On a side note, with my girth, I should probably be a leading contestant for Jabra the Hut. (Star Wars joke, son!)

Google Search: define:CookieCookies
I don't mind cookies but hey, web companies out there, lighten up on the "tracking cookies" will ya?

If your computer is slow going from website to website, you probably have tracking cookies. Here is some software (free, can't beat THAT price) to help speed you up:

Ad-Aware SE

Yahoo Anti-Spyware Toolbar

Here's something that I don't understand. I haven't seen such furvor in a "right to die" case since Karen Ann Quinlan. That case lasted from 1975 until 1985. It's been a long time between, so what is it about the Terri Schiavo debate that has pushed into the mainstream? There have got to be thousands of other cases that have happened in the mean time, why is this one so special? Is it because Gov. J. Bush in Florida stuck his nose in where it didn't belong and his brother "aiding and abetting"? That's all I can figure. - Backers of Schiavo's parents�head to Washington - Mar 28, 2005

Wow. A news story that isn't a "human interest" story (no humans) and that doesn't involve government actions to interfere in people's lives nor does it involve vast killings. It's ... nice. Yahoo! News - Desert Wildflowers In Bloom

Saturday, March 26, 2005

I'm wondering if I should upgrade my old TrueSpace 4 to something newer ...3D Modeling Software - trueSpace

So, who knew that there were Easter Eggs in the Star Trek DVD sets? I thought they were too cheap to put in the extras!STARTREK.COM�:�Article

Pretty much forgot about my blog. What a neat tool for quick-posting ideas!

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