Sunday, December 18, 2005 - Bush�says he signed NSA wiretap order - Dec 17, 2005

"In acknowledging the message was true, President Bush took aim at the messenger Saturday, saying that a newspaper jeopardized national security by revealing that he authorized wiretaps on U.S. citizens after September 11."

Yep, remember that holding the President responsible for his own actions is a threat to national security. He can only do his job if he can operate above the law and change the law to suit his whim.

Remeber, Bush needs the following for National Security:
* Revenge upon the entire country of the man who tried to kill his father.
* The ability to throw billions of dollars at his favorite company (Haliburton) instead of ... say ... paying the members of the military or providing body armor.
* Secret wire taps that requires no reason other than the President says "Okay". What keeps someone who doesn't like you from pointing a finger and saying "terrorist"?
* Secret prisons throughout the world.
* Government endorsed torture ... that America USED to be known to stand against!
* A mandate to ignore the plight of thousands of the poor so that he can continue fund raising for the Part of the Rich (Republican ... as if you didn't know).

There's so much more. Why do they keep this guy in office?


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