Friday, September 05, 2008

Are We Really That Clueless?

I don't get it.

George Bush and the Republican party arranged the theft of the American Presidency 8 years ago. See Gore Won Florida.

After taking more vacation time than any prior President, America was attacked in 2001. America did go after those who attacked this country by retaliating against Afghanistan and going after Osama bin Laden ... for a little while but then there was a change of direction when Bush used America's fear to plunder another country, Iraq.

What was the result? America is the pariah of the world. Worse, there is MORE Islamist terrorism now than at any point in the past. Click here. America's economy is in the toilet and growing worse. More Americans are without health care than ever before. Look at "Shared costs of the uninsured" on Wikipedia.

And those are just the large items.

You would think that American would rush en mass to embrace the Democratic Party but for some reason, more than half of American voters are either unsure who they should vote for or still back the Republican party. It is almost as if there is a huge swath of Americans who are afraid of prosperity, security and health care. During Bill Clinton's presidency, America significantly reduced it's debt and increased jobs across the board. When America was seen as a great country, we had allies across the planet.

Being seen as a great country, being seen as a moral people, giving Americans more jobs and helping people around the planet is the ONLY way to make America secure and to secure our own future.

America has endured 8 years of Republican insanity. I think it is time for an alternative.

Barack Obama


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