Saturday, July 23, 2005 - Egyptian resort town blasts kill dozens - Jul 23, 2005 - Egyptian resort town blasts kill dozens - Jul 23, 2005
I hate to use phrases endorsed by the current United States administration but it seems to me that angry, the disaffected and the blood-thirsty from the world over have thrown themselves wholeheartedly into the explosive death-dealing of terrorism. I don’t know if American news outlets are only covering Islamic extremists but it seems to me that this radical interpretation of Islam either generates more killing or is more attractive to those who have no morals or those who look for any excuse for wholesale slaughter.

Most of the individuals in this blast who were killed in an Islamic nation were followers of Islam but they are just as dead, just as mangled as the few visitors from other countries. As a matter of fact, most of the victims are going to turn out to be Islamic. It is already known that in the Iraqi conflict, the greatest numbers of victims are followers of Islam.

This has nothing to do with religion except in its zealotry and the debased preaching of the slaughter of the innocent.

It would seem to me that at seeing the death and horror performed in his name, Allah would weep.


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